Arhive pe etichete: muzica

I wear the mark of the permanent stain

Piele..sarata sub limba..calda..arome..maini disperate pe trupuri fierbinti..minti ma respiri, sa te simt, sa traiesc secunde tampite ale diminetii..respir soare turbat..fericire marti 13!

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Din categoria Muzica

You don’t care if it’s wrong or if it’s right

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Din categoria Muzica

And i was a hand granade that never stopped exploding

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Din categoria Muzica

Fuck you all, this is the last song for the evening

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Din categoria Muzica

..but for sure i know how to fuck

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Din categoria In my secret life, Muzica

Si daca maine cad..

..vreau doar sa ma tii minte



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Din categoria Muzica

You Will Know My Name

Do you see me now?
Do you hear me now?
You will know my name
Do you see me now?
Do you fear me now?
You will know my name!

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Din categoria Muzica

I love the way you dominate and you violate me

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Din categoria Muzica

Bitch i am the proof

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Din categoria Muzica

Fuck me till we know is unsafe

and I will paint over the evidence

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Din categoria Muzica